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Schmid, J., Pichler, R. (2019): Seamless Data Integration in the CAM-NC Process Chain in a Learning Factory (reviewed conference paper), accepted for 10th Conference on Learning Factories, CLF 2020.

Schmid, J., Trabesinger, S., Brillinger, M., Pichler, R., Wurzinger, H., Ciumasu, R. (2020):
Knowledge based Acquisition of Verified Machining Data (reviewed conference paper),
accepted for 9th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management, ICITM2020.

Brillinger, M., Martinez, J., Schmid, J. (2019): Improving CAD/CAM Process Chains in Forging Industries in the Era of Digitalization Based on a Case Study (reviewed conference paper), accepted for 5th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering, MCM'19

Trabesinger, S., Butzerin, A., Schall, D., Pichler, R. (2019): Analysis of High Frequency Data of a Machine Tool via Edge Computing (reviewed conference paper), accepted for 10th Conference on Learning Factories, CLF 2020.

Höller, C., Hinterbuchner, T., Schwemberger, P., Zopf, P., Pichler, R., Haas, F.(2019), Direct Machining of selected laser melted components with optimized support structures, 52nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Procedia CIRP 81 (2019) 375-380.

Höller, C., Zopf P., Schwemberger, P., Pichler, R., Haas F. (2019). Load Capacity of Support Structures for Direct Machining of Selective Laser Melted Parts, accepted for publication in ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, publication in progress.

Pichler, R., Gerhold, L., Pichler, M. (2019): Seamless Data Integration in a CPPS with Highly Heterogeneous Facilities - Architectures and Use Cases Executed in a Learning Factory, (reviewed conference paper), CPS&C 2019 Cyber-Physical Systems and Control, St. Petersburg.

Malý, M., Höller, C., Skalon, M., Meier, B., Koutný, D., Pichler, R., Sommitsch, C. & Paloušek, D. (2019): Effect of Process Parameters and High-Temperature Preheating on Residual Stress and Relative Density of Ti6Al4V Processed by Selective Laser Melting, in: Materials. 12, 6, 13, S. 930.

Trabesinger, S., Pichler, R., Schall, D., Gferer, R. (2019): Connectivity as a prior challenge in establishing CPPS on basis of heterogeneous IT-software environments, 9th conference on learning factories, Braunschweig 2019, Procedia Manufacturing 31 (2019) 370-376.

Koutny, D., Palousek, D., Pantelejev, L., Höller, C., Pichler, R., Tesicky, L., & Kaiser, J. (2018). Influence of Scanning Strategies on Processing of Aluminum Alloy EN AW 2618 Using Selective Laser Melting. Materials, 11(2), [298]

Pichler, R. (2017): Forschungsraum smartfactory@tugraz - Die Sichtbarmachung einer agilen Fertigung (reviewed paper), in: WING-Business, 3/17, p. 28-31, Oct 2017.

Pichler, R. (2015): Advanced Manufacturing - die digitale Revolution in der Werkstatt, in: TU Graz research Journal, 14, Dec 2015.